There are two artists that share this name:
1) The Wombats are a three-piece indie band which formed in 2003 in Liverpool, England. The band consists of Matthew Murphy (vocals, more on →
Justin Lam
Jan 16, 2015
After the release of "Your Body is a Weapon" nearing the end of 2013, I think it was safe to assume that a new record was on the horizon for The Wombats in 2014. Alas, we were left empty handed, but the Liverpool trio have started off 2015 very stron...
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Justin Lam
Oct 1, 2013
2011 marked a landmark year for The Wombats. Sure, you can say they are one of the pioneers of modern British rock, but This Modern Glitch really put these guys on the worldwide map for all to see. Today marks the release of their brand new single "Y...
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