Mikky George
Apr 19, 2024
The Marias give a cold and blistering performance with "Lejos de Ti," a track that burns right through our hearts with its icy sound.Ice comes in many forms - sharp, glossy, smooth, and sometimes burning. "Lejos de...
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Christiana Bartolini
Feb 21, 2019
The Marias' single "Basta Ya" is a sensually groove-centric soul pop treasure.
Its picturesque composition lays out a lush foundation that's easy to love and will leave you wanting more. The guitar and vocals lead the way, balancing each other out w...
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Christiana Bartolini
Sep 29, 2018
The Marías' single "Clueless" is a silky smooth indie hybrid of genre-bending beauty.
There are hints of easy listening, experimental pop, and electro-pop all rolled into one. The balance between style and grace is perfectly depicted in this track. ...
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Christiana Bartolini
Mar 29, 2018
The Marías' single, "I Like It" is a prophecy to how we think you'll feel about it (hint: we think you'll like it).
This track emits a mix of electronic and dream pop. It's concentrated synths and drum effects set the stage for a luscious compositio...
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