There are two artists named Steve James:
1) Steve James is a virtuoso of contemporary American blues and folk music. Steve plays guitar, slide guitar, mandolin and six-string more on →
Jason Grishkoff
Feb 9, 2017
These days I'm normally quite quick to decline an EDM track, but this Steve James track definitely stands out above the rest as a very strong release.
With LIGHTS on the lyrics, "Warrior" comes across with all the energy and strength its name implie...
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Almond Ivan
Jul 27, 2016
Pitched up vocals have a tendency of rubbing me the wrong way, and make me feel like I'm watching the Chipmunks movie. However, when they're well executed, like the way Steve James processed them with this record, I find myself in an utter state of c...
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Aaron Blum
Dec 4, 2015
Stephen Philibin, aka Steve James, is a young DJ/producer looking to put his stake in the ground. At the age of 17, Steve James has already pegged the #1 spot five times on Hype Machine charts. Not bad, eh? And I'm sure you've heard of Justin Bieber ...
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