There is more than one artist with this name:
1. SOL (Sol Lopez) is a music producer\artist out of Sacramento Ca. His sound is unique to the hip hop culture and his more on →
Aaron Blum
Jul 16, 2013
I'm jumping on the bandwagon for this one. Hell, it's dope enough for a summer anthem.Sol, or Solzilla, is a Seattle-based hip-hop artist that has just been infused into to my hip-hop repertoire -- you'll see why once you press play. He's shared the...
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Jason Grishkoff
Dec 28, 2011
Is it coincidence that yesterday's song of the day was by Marvin Gaye, one of Sol's bigger influences? Why else would we post about him immediately after sharing that track?Okay, fine. It's 100% coincidence. I guess you'll just have to enjoy this tra...
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