Porcelain Raft is Mauro Remiddi recording and performing live.
Live shows will be solo performances with electronics, keyboard, voice, guitars, loops and sampler. Read more on La...read more on Last.fm →
sean o
Apr 27, 2015
Brooklyn's Mauro Remiddi has teased my heart for years now, dating back to his amazing live show as Youth Lagoon's opening act at The Independent in 2012.
Under the moniker Porcelain Raft, Mauro makes heartfelt dream pop that's unafraid to drift to ...
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Bri Guy
Jun 24, 2013
Porcelain Raft is the solo project of Mauro Rebumiddi. He caught my attention with his debut album, Strange Weekend, and he is now ready to release a follow-up album this August."Think Of The Ocean" is the first single that was released a few days ag...
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sean o
Apr 15, 2012
Mauro Remiddi has been very busy this year. As the heart and soul of Porcelain Raft, he has been touring non-stop as the opening act for the likes of M83 and Youth Lagoon, introducing city after city to his debut album, Strange Weekend. I was fortuna...
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