Peder Pedersen is a Danish electronica/Hip Hop artist. He has been part of these acts: Pelding, The Prunes and Danish Radio comedy show Gramsespektrum. And recently "Cours Lapin" more on →
Matt Ho
May 3, 2016
There's a song on Peder's recent fourth solo record, Come With Me, called "Still Life" that the press release described as "representative of the album as a whole." There's an audible consistency that lends credence to the statement, but the Danish p...
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Alyssa Botts
Nov 10, 2010
Danish producer Peder has been around the block a time or two, drifting from careers as a radio host, actor, photography, film composer, DJ, producer, and songwriter. If that wasn't enough, he has won a Grammy for his 1999 comedy album, an Emmy for a...
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