The doomy shoegaze band No Joy began in November 2009, when guitarist/vocalist Jasamine White-Gluz was living in Los Angeles and guitarist/vocalist Laura Lloyd was living in more on →
Rhett Flowers
Nov 14, 2013
Canadian shoegazers No Joy have an EP coming out soon that is a three-song continuation of their recent album Wait For Pleasure. It's entitled Pastel and Pass Out, and it is a short but sweet ride.The tune featured here, "Second Spine," finds singer ...
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Rhett Flowers
Apr 23, 2013
No Joy, the Canadian shoegaze band comprised of two female musicians -- Jasmine White Glutz and Laura Lloyd -- have a brand new album coming out soon entitled Wait To Pleasure. They released a short EP last year that was real promising for the band's...
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Jason Grishkoff
May 22, 2012
I'm quite enjoying that there's a bit of shoegaze floating around these days. And I like it even more when I see an all-girl band get involved. In fact, No Joy are the only female-fronted shoegaze band that I can think of off the top of my head.Based...
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