Christian Bauhofer at first glance comes off as the unassuming dude yawning next to you in class, a kind of lumberjack-nerd fusion in his glasses and scruffy facial hair. However, more on →
Jason Grishkoff
Dec 2, 2012
Minnesota has kinda made a name for himself as a dubstep artist. His homepage url even includes the word - But this track is something different.I'm not entirely sure how to categorize "Tokyo," save for to call it liquidstep...
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Kyle Suss
Aug 12, 2011
I'm starting to get tired of electronic songs with a "drop." The drop is typically not as exciting as I tend to hope it will be, and a lot of basslines in remixes don't really mesh with the original track. Of course, that's just one guy's opinion, bu...
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