Morgan Hume
Nov 18, 2020
The only word I can think of to describe this song is “cool.” As in, I don't think I’m cool enough to be listening to it, let alone be writing about it. It seems like it should be reserved for only the popular kids...
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Dylan Heneck
Jun 6, 2017
Today is a good day for a journal post. I arrived in Mallorca this morning, having finished off a rather raucous weekend at Barcelona's Primavera Sound. The options for getting to Mallorca were either swim, fly, or I guess there is a boat or somethin...
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Matthew Rightford
Apr 20, 2017
“Lady HD is a classic story of boy meets boy... Ciaran writes music from Philly and Dusty produces it in LA. Together, they are Lady HD."
This one is power. A fully charged funk and soul lament with a great balance of soothing and driving vocals, cr...
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