Kevin Garrett is a singer and songwriter from Brooklyn, New York. His poignant lyricism
and musicianship have been showcased in numerous projects over the past several years. more on →
Andrew Van Hulzen
Jan 30, 2017
Pittsburgh-born Kevin Garrett has always had a way of making such seemingly simple songs draw listeners in. Often using little more than a piano/synth base with a simple drum track holding the downtempo beat, Kevin croons heartfelt lyrics that always...
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Ralph Hendrik
Aug 20, 2016
Kevin Garrett is one of the artists I found out about last year and have been listening to ever since that first time I hit play.
Today, the 25-year old American singer-songwriter released the emotional "Precious," a song completely written, produc...
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Ralph Hendrik
Mar 24, 2015
Every now and then you come across a piece of music that makes you stop doing whatever you're doing. Today I had one of those moments. After pressing play, all I could do was focus on the music and listen. I strongly encourage you to do the same.
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