Sarah Jukes
Oct 13, 2016
Here's something I haven't done before on Indie Shuffle—featured a track and then featured its re-work by the original artist.
That's what L.A/N.Y-based producer Bobby Nourmand has done with D E E P. He released the original version over the summer....
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Sarah Jukes
Jul 24, 2016
It's so hot here. It's probably the warmest weekend of the year in New York City. Being in Manhattan in this kind of heat isn't much fun as there's not a lot of pools or access to the beach. Bobby Nourmand's kinda teasing everyone here releasing "Dee...
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Almond Ivan
May 20, 2016
Wow… I just ate two insane, gourmet pastries, drank way too much cold brew coffee, I'm sitting in an alley writing this, and I'm looking at a painting of a skeleton wearing a tuxedo, and this song is LIT. I probably need to turn down, but as the worl...
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Almond Ivan
Feb 7, 2016
There's a classic soul record by Blacknuss that most folks in and out of dance music are familiar with. Their song "Last Night A DJ Saved My Life" is a record that could be sampled over and over, and it more than likely won't ever get old. To me, tha...
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