Aaron Blum
May 2, 2016
Calvin Harris and Rihanna released a new tune last week called "This Is What You Came For," which was just aight in my opinion.
This remix is really what I came for, though. Australia's Just A Gent slowed down the original track while infusing so...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 2, 2015
Ryan Hemsworth might just be one of the most-prolific artists out there right now. He just released a new EP, has a couple recent remixes under his belt, and now this...
Teaming up with Lucas, Ryan has pulled off a stunner of a chilled out, minimal ...
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searra ruggeri
Mar 1, 2016
Trap music is a little too heavy and repetitive for me these days. There are only so many hi-hat saturated drops I can handle before: a) going crazy, or b) throwing on a stank face and engaging in behavior that would only be acceptable at a frat part...
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Aaron Blum
Mar 28, 2016
First off, I've gotta give credit to one of our writers Emily to recently posting a track by Mako, which led me to this one.
While I like the two tracks that make this mashup, "Smoke Filled Room" by Mako and "Feel The Buzz" by Hermitude, I might say...
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