Jason Grishkoff
Sep 8, 2014
You know that moment when a song comes along and just stops you in your tracks? Yeah, this one did just that.
Sure, I've used a similar introduction on a number of my reviews, but believe me: this really is *that* good.
Today, The Kooks released th...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jun 26, 2012
Three artists instantly come to mind when I hear The Royal Concept's "Gimme Twice": Phoenix, Two Door Cinema Club and Young The Giant.Now that I've set a clear expectation of what you'll find with this track, I invite you to start shuffling back and ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 18, 2013
HOLY SHIT A NEW SONG FROM PHOENIX! I've been waiting for this for oh, I don't know...four years maybe?I think the best part about this new track titled "Entertainment" is that it doesn't let me down in the slightes...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jul 19, 2012
Last time we featured The Royal Concept I basically broke it down like this: if you like Phoenix or Two Door Cinema Club, you're going to love these guys.Flash forward a few weeks and here we are again, with new track "Naked & Dumb." And holy cra...
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