Devin Duckworth
Sep 26, 2012
Mumford & Sons' sophomore album, Babel, seeded a lot of expectation on whether or not it would live up to the veneration of their first release, Sigh No More. Selling over 5 million copies of their debut album, these wrangling rock 'n rollers end...
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Hannah Tecott
Nov 16, 2015
So. Much. Yes.
This song is refreshing in so many ways. Mainly because it's a genuine, modern day folk song amidst today's world of electronic saturation and bass-heavy, anticlimactic drop-riddled house music. Not only are there actual, discernable...
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Morgan Hume
Jul 23, 2020
Trevor Hall holds a special place in my heart (and ears). My sister and I can't go one car ride without playing his music, and it has been that way since high school. A new song from him always fills me with happin...
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Christiana Bartolini
Apr 11, 2013
UK's own Treetop Flyers have adopted the oh-so-lovable Northwest indie folk rock sound that's become such a huge staple within our generation's genre preferences.Their single "Things Will Change" is a perfect depiction of that. This five-piece awaken...
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