Morrissey, is that you? Oh, no, I'm sorry that's just the new single from Brooklyn-based band The Drums.
I challenge you to listen to "Money" without thinking of our favorite, oft-depressing band from Manchester. Then again, "Money" is a bit too fast-paced, a bit too peppy, even a little too tongue-in-cheek to be a simple emulation of The Smiths (particularly with vocalist Jonny Pierce's forays into falsetto, and the song's synthy fade-out). The Smiths if they hung out at the beach more, perhaps.
This is the first single to drop from The Drums's second album,
Portamento, which will be released September 12. Based on the insistent bass line, the whine of the guitar, and, yes, the Morrissey-esque vocals, I think it's safe to say that this is an album to look forward to.