Roxine Staats
Apr 30, 2017
The frequently solo-flying one half of The Black Keys whole, Dan Auerbach, has released a chipper, upbeat, almost Gospel-like-in-its-revelry single which ups the clap-along factor considerably when compared to the solemn obscurity of The Arcs project...
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Jason Grishkoff
Nov 21, 2010
When The Black Keys released their debut album The Big Come Up in 2002, they probably weren't aware how appropriate the name actually was. Since then, the band has catapulted into fame, recognizable by almost any indie rock fan the Western world over...
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Lauren Sloss
Nov 26, 2012
I've got some magic words for you: Alabama Shakes. Collaboration, new tracks. Oh look, a haiku. No, but really... as if releasing the hottest album of the year and touring nonstop wasn't enough, Brittany Howard of the Alabama Shakes has teamed up wit...
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EJ Teaño II
Mar 9, 2019
The Black Keys are here. Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney are back together. I don't know how else to put it... they're back.
I don't even know what to say cause I am still in shock that they're making music again. After 5 very long years, ...
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