Christiana Bartolini
May 22, 2012
Port St. Willow is Nick Principe's solo project, and it's quite the gorgeous one. Don't let this Brooklynite fool you -- his music is as lush and fresh as a newly sprouted forest in the spring time, and his debut LP Holiday is overwhelming.It's almos...
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Christiana Bartolini
Aug 23, 2011
It's almost here, guys!! Cymbals Eat Guitars drops their new album, Lenses Alien, on August 30, and I think all you dedicated fans will be pretty pleased. Sure, it's a new release, but I feel 16 years old again while I'm listening to this album.Lense...
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Hannah Levy
Sep 27, 2012
Just in time for fall, here's a brand new single from Oklahoma folk rockers Other Lives. "Take Us Alive" drops from Other Lives' new EP, Mind the Gap, due out October 23. According to Pitchfork, a few unreleased cuts ("Dead Can" and "Dust Bowl") also...
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Jason Grishkoff
Nov 17, 2011
The Antlers are set to release a new EP by the name of (together), which features a few collaborations and remixes. One of theses is a take on The xx's "VCR." Another, of course, is this remix of "Parenthesis" by Australian post-rockers PVT.On first ...
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