Almond Ivan
Feb 12, 2016
When Justin Bieber released his most-recent album titled Purpose, I sat with a friend discussing how the majority of the track titles sounded like disappointed text messages from a significant other. "Sorry," "Mark My Words," "I'll Show You," "No Pre...
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Jason Grishkoff
Nov 18, 2015
How fucking skilled is Tennyson? Seriously, the young Canadian brother-sister duo never cease to amaze me.
"SLIPPERZ" is their latest offering, a song that starts off with a very modern feel. It's not until the bridge, though, that their true talent...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 3, 2021
Here's a real short-and-sweet diddy that managed to pull me in for its lovely melodic development and dream-like instrumentation. It's almost like something out of Edward Scissorhands.The Boston-based artist is gearing up to release an EP titled dogw...
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Almond Ivan
Jul 29, 2016
Summer. It's way too hot, and it's so easy to pull out a cheesy "this song will cool you down" quip, but in reality, it won't. Air conditioning will, though, and this may add uplifting vibes to your day, which have been negated by the disgusting weat...
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