I have no idea how "New Brubeck," a song released in October 2015, ended up on BIRP.fm's August 2016 playlist, but I'm glad it did. Without it, I would never have known of Super Defense at all. The Syracuse-based bedroom pop artist (real name Andy Horvath) is fairly obscure, although he won't be for long.
"New Brubeck," off Horvath's first release (he's released two short EPs since then, the latest recorded at the famous Converse Rubber Tracks studio in NYC) is an incredible tune, the kind you loop over and over and over again until you catch yourself drunkenly screaming the words with your roommate.
It's simple and borderline innocent, but biting and full of the angst that only can come out of being young. The lyrics to the refrain "You can find me fucking around with knives in my grandma's cellar/You can find me anywhere you like," are full of young adult, borderline naive disdain. It's the kind of thing you write or feel when you're too old to be a teenager, but nobody's letting you be an adult yet.
All in all, it is a guitar-driven, lo-fi, "I'm really truly fed up with your bullshit this time" power-pop song. And in the waning days of summer, odds are your summer flings are waning too, so I'd suggest you take a listen.