Brontë Martin
Feb 6, 2013
Fauxe is an electronic artist from Singapore who has been focusing his musical attention on curating electronic beats and music for the past three years. He strives to "recreate the sounds that come out of my head," which tends to hover around the do...
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sean o
Jul 23, 2015
Lots of names in the title, so I'll break it all down for you real quick. Luxembourg producer Sun Glitters teams up with former Keep Shelly In Athens singer/songwriter Sarah P. in February on a chill five-track EP. Fast forward to today as we premier...
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Philip Friedman
Mar 7, 2013
After what has seemed like a crazy long wait since his self-titled EP, MMOTHS has finally released his new EP entitled Diaries.Filled with all of the haunting vocals and downtempo beats that we've come to expect from the young Irish producer, MMOTHS ...
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Anu Rana
Oct 15, 2013
Flight Facilities' "Clair De Lune" was a quick favorite over here at Indie Shuffle, with fellow Shuffler Elizabeth Walker proclaiming, "Now this... THIS is a song."Can I say that now that this... THIS is an edit!? Them Jeans bring a little hop, skip ...
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