Brontë Martin
Feb 6, 2013
Fauxe is an electronic artist from Singapore who has been focusing his musical attention on curating electronic beats and music for the past three years. He strives to "recreate the sounds that come out of my head," which tends to hover around the do...
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Philip Friedman
Jul 22, 2013
If you're looking for the perfect track to get lost in during these fleeting warm summer days, look no further than Sun Glitters -- they have exactly what you need.The Luxembourg producer has really made himself a cornerstone of the chillwave electro...
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Philip Friedman
Jun 27, 2014
"Enjoy The Silence" has long been one of my favorite Depeche Mode tracks. For whatever reason, it justresonates with me. So as you can imagine, I was pretty stoked to hop onto SoundCloud and see that glo-fi legends Stubmleine had just uploaded a cove...
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