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Still Corners - Far Rider
Discovered by:
Jami Selikow
Jami Selikow
Mar 01, 2022
Total plays:
33 times
Why do we like this?

Still Corners' "Far Rider" places us in the life of a desert traveler and into the minds of songwriters — Greg Hughes and Tessa Murray. Tessa explains:

“This song is about leaving, lost love, and finding yourself somewhere on the journey, really it’s about redemption. I recently drove 6000 miles across the southwest to feel the sun on my face and think. We used the dreamlike nature of the song to capture the landscape and a hypnotic feel to conjure up the long and lonely travel days.”

The journey into self, born of suffering is what this song encapsulates for me. Suffering can be a great impetus to growth, and in the case of Still Corners, an impetus to creation too. It's something we all face, whether actual or conceived, making this song relatable to all who listen. As a fan of Oceansize and Tool, this 7-minute track fits well into my love for long tracks that take the listener on a journey. I hope you enjoy it too!

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