Mikky George
Mar 18, 2023
Arlo Parks give us another stellar introspective ballad, that goes through our chest and straight for the soul.There is beauty in a relationship that is inexplicably supportive — a type of quiet support that not on...
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Mikky George
May 14, 2022
A Physical Break For an Emotional EvolutionTwin Tooth comes from nowhere and hits me with spoken word and electronica that gives me chills.I've always loved spoken word, especially accompanied spoken word — the use...
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Dylan Heneck
Aug 21, 2020
I'm almost 100% sure that I've posted about this one from SAULT already. Almost, being 0% certain. Maybe I've erased parts of my memory in order to forget SAULT, like Jim Carey did in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotle...
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Lily Bunta
May 6, 2020
Dua Saleh's latest release, "umbrellar," manifests escapism. Creating a suspenseful alliance, the continued rhythm guitar and consistent rhyme scheme move naturally together. There is tension and synergy working to...
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Dylan Heneck
Nov 11, 2019
Who the hell got the Dreamville SoundCloud url before Dreamville did?! I was trying to figure out if big hip hop acts still use the once favored music streaming platform, so I typed this into my browser:https://sou...
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Christiana Bartolini
Oct 29, 2019
Kadhja Bonet's single, "Mother Maybe," is a retro, funk pop outfit dressed in modern garb.The epic introduction is the perfect depiction of what's to be expected for this track. The instrumentals are just one incre...
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