shy kids are a band of musicians and filmmakers from toronto, canada. they've been active since 2010, with an ep "field trips" in 2012, a short film "noah" in 2013, and their more on →
Peter Andrews
Jun 29, 2016
This is one of those songs that is appropriate for so many occasions. It's not a track trying too hard to be something it's not; everything about this song is right.
ISLAND is just starting to take off in their native city of London. They're headli...
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Almond Ivan
May 2, 2016
The concept behind ISLAND's "Spotless Mind" is great— as are the vocals and the instrumental to back it.
"Every single action in life seems to lead to a never-ending web of consequences. Spotless Mind explores the idea of 'what if?'"
The other ...
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