Royal Canoe is a group of musicians on a mission to construct ambitious, inventive music. The songs are thick with catchiness, rich in rhythm and are consistently pushing against more on →
Kelsey Simpkins
Aug 20, 2017
Earlier this year, Minneapolis four-piece Beasthead released their sophomore EP, I Owe You For This.
I've always been drawn in by their unique take on electronic indie rock, with sonically morphed vocals that straddle the line between auto-tune and...
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Kelsey Simpkins
Mar 29, 2017
Tyler Tholl and Pete James Johnson make up Minneapolis musical duo Maple & Beech. After making music together for five years - and with a little help from local Humans Win! studio - they finally have their first LP dropping in April. "Cavers" is ...
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Sam McLoughlin
Jan 9, 2015
Hey Rosetta! is one of those Canadian bands that never really captured my attention. I saw them play a couple of festivals and enjoyed their set, but didn't feel they stood out enough from the plethora of other Canadian indie rock bands to follow up....
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