Manchester Orchestra is an American indie rock band which formed in Atlanta, Georgia in 2004. The group is currently composed of rhythm guitarist, singer/songwriter Andy Hull, more on →
Mikky George
Apr 18, 2024
Local Natives go all out and give bassy guitars the front stage with "April," and it's a phenomenal bop.OK, I need someone to explain to me what exactly that bassy guitar sound is, because it's astounding. When it ...
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Gabe Kahan
Jan 6, 2018
It's easy. It's loose. It's cathartic. Singer-songwriter Mikal Cronin's first track off his latest single "I Don't Mind / Blue Eyed Girl" is a simple bout of chamber folk fun.
Rough and clanging acoustic guitar clouds "I Don't Mind." The musician's ...
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Philip Friedman
Apr 21, 2013
Sometimes you have to throw away what you've been working on and start from scratch. And that is exactly what The Baptist Generals of Denton Texas did before putting together their sophomore LP, Jackleg Devotional To The Heart. The album is slated to...
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Jason Grishkoff
Nov 28, 2011
I remember the first time Silversun Pickups crossed my radar and I found myself wondering: is that a boy or a girl?! Like almost everyone else, I now realize that it is indeed a man by the name of Brian Aubert.Silversun Pickups recently jumped in on ...
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