Dylan Heneck
Mar 15, 2018
Had to get this track up while it's still fresh on the mind, not that I'll ever forget the first time our eyes met. She/he/it was very drunk, and so was I.
Fumbling across the floor, arriving with half my drink I leaned in and asked for a dance. Na...
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Dylan Heneck
Jan 15, 2018
This is the song we deserve on a Monday. It pushes us in the right direction. It's a gentle but vigorous back rub for our ears. It is the ruler of many worlds. We shall all bow to this song and enslave whatever species necessary to achieve it's unive...
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Dylan Heneck
Dec 6, 2017
Jason is out of office this week, meaning I need to pick up the slack review-wise. That means no more funny reviews from me as they take too long.
Instead, to save some time, I thought I'd put together a photo essay that explains my feelings toward...
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