sean o
Aug 24, 2017
As far as debut singles go in 2017, "Brewin' Up" by Stanley may take the cake. I guess there's still time for other contenders to emerge, but there's no denying the tasty waves this confidently delicate slice of indie rock is making right now. Bonus ...
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sean o
Oct 20, 2015
While previewing Strangest Things, William Alexander's forthcoming album out November 6 on Yellow K Records and Forged Artifacts, I found myself undeniably drawn toward the tribal-like vibes of "Big Mistakes."
"Big Mistakes" feels singular in focus,...
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sean o
May 20, 2015
I've been inspecting the Iles bandwagon for an open seat ever since the LA-based artist premiered "In Tents" with VICE in March. So it's with great joy that we're premiering his melodic new single "Little Notes."
Iles brews an infectious indie rock ...
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sean o
Mar 27, 2015
If his plucky debut single "In Tents" is any indication, L.A.-based Iles has a bright future in the indie rock world.
The short, addictive track has replay value like nothing else I've heard this side of Los Angeles Police Department. Considering th...
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