Dedicated to originality, L’Orange imbues his smoky, soul-soaked tracks with lush texture through inventive mixing and psychedelic cuts from classic radio recordings. A shopworn more on →
Arnaud Dallemagne
Nov 12, 2015
Back in 2013, Awon & Phoniks successfully captured the golden era boom-bap sound of New York hip-hop in the 90’s with Return To The Golden Era, an album that has become something of an underground classic since. On the occasion of the release of ...
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Arnaud Dallemagne
Jul 12, 2015
Phoniks is a rising producer from Portland, Maine. His soulful production is resolutely vintage, reminiscent of the 90's hip-hop golden age.
Since 2013 and his critically acclaimed Return to the Golden Era album with emcee Awon, the two have been in...
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