There are two artists with this name
1. An American indie rock band
2. A Japanese visual kei band (gossip)
An American indie rock trio from Portland, OR, originally formed in more on →
Christiana Bartolini
Feb 14, 2013
Portland's Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside have got a whole lot of attitude to share with you. Their album, Untamed Beast, drops on February 19, 2013, and it's going to feel like a welcomed punch in the face.Their rockabilly punk pop style is the...
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Rhett Flowers
Nov 20, 2012
Ian Svenonius is the man behind this collaborative band Chain and the Gang, which includes musicians and artists from various bands such as The Gossip, Vivian Girls and Finally Punk. It's an odd sort of group, and some of these songs show that, with ...
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