Dylan Heneck
Oct 11, 2017
There isn't much time, my legs are numb and the left lens on these glasses have fogged. 5:55 pm. The call from the theatre still hasn't come in confirming that seat D1 at Bladerunner is mine.
If that paragraph didn't give you anxiety, you're probabl...
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Dylan Heneck
Sep 7, 2017
This track is going to take the cake for the 'song I've listened to most before actually posting.' It's a prestigious award-class to be listed in, let alone topping.
If I could give you a list of previous candidates then maybe a better picture of th...
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Dylan Heneck
Sep 6, 2017
This track just thoroughly confused me. First I was somewhere with this guy in a room, and then the next thing I know we're in some kind of weird tunnel of voices and GREAT FUCKING VIBES.
Anyways, I wrote that first paragraph a few hours ago and I n...
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