Omara "Bombino" Moctar, whose given name is Goumar Almoctar, was born on January 1st, 1980 in Tidene, Niger, an encampment of nomadic Tuaregs located about 80 kilometers to the more on →
Mikky George
Aug 24, 2021
Vibranium and DrumsA new age track filled with Africana and pure electronica, leads to a beautifully eclectic sound.The re-emergence of the Neo-African sound in music is a welcoming experience to me. I've always wa...
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Mikky George
Mar 10, 2021
Shall We Walk The Desert, Friend?I often find myself reflecting on calm times with friends — friends I've lost, friends I've gained, and friends that have just kind of faded away."Tala Tannam" is a joyously calm ce...
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Dylan Heneck
Jul 31, 2019
Isn't it so nice to be attracted to a song that is being sung in a dialect that makes no sense to you. The only focus shifts to the melodies and instrumentation, of which there are many that are noteworthy.Tinariwe...
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Chris Carter
Jul 30, 2014
Tinariwen's story has become something of a modern musical legend. As a band of Tuareg bedouins from the Malian portion of the Sahara desert in northwest Africa, their music and their lifestyle is at once a rebellion against the religious dogma and c...
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Bri Guy
Apr 4, 2014
Tremends are a three-piece band based out of Miami, comprised of Alex Posada (bass), Juan Rozas (guitar/vocals), and Alejo Rozas (drums/vocals). Juan and Alejo are brothers from Buenos Aires, Argentina who moved here about seven years ...
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