Dylan Heneck
Oct 10, 2019
Some of you are bound to be familiar with Sea Moyá. If not, take a moment to explore the music in the hyperlink. This post isn't about Sea Moyá though, it's about Bruce -- our golden boy.I believe he's the band's t...
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Christiana Bartolini
Aug 27, 2018
Sea Moya's single, "The Long Run" is a galactic voyage into a new world of experimental electro-pop.
This track is electrically charged with its off-kilter dance of synthesizers and drums. The vocals are airy and atmospheric, providing a enjoyable c...
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Dylan Heneck
Aug 18, 2016
Damnit Germans, why are you always so good at whatever you do?! Except for tanning that is. As tourists go I'd definitely categorize the Germans as a more outgoing bunch, however their tendency for 'traditional' hair braiding when abroad and the cons...
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Dylan Heneck
Jul 25, 2016
Nothing is real. Your Grandmother doesn't exist. If she did, she'd be lovely, but that's not the point. The internet isn't real and neither is Bill Gates.
Why am I saying this you ask? Because Sea Moyá. And Sea Moyá everyday until they evolve into S...
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 6, 2016
One of my favorite acts of all time is Boards of Canada, so when this track popped up in my SubmitHub feed it was instant love.
Sea Moyá's "Bangalore" seems to take some pretty solid inspiration from the aforementioned Scottish duo, but that's not t...
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