Regina Spektor (born Regina Ilyinichna Spektor on 18 February 1980 in Moscow) is a Russian-born American singer-songwriter and pianist. Her music is associated with the anti-folk more on →
Mikky George
Mar 3, 2022
Conversations with DeitiesRegina Spektor jumps back into the forefront with "Becoming All Alone Again" — a narrative experience only Regina Spektor could pull off.It's great to hear Regina Spektor's voice again, to...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 27, 2012
Oh Regina, how nice your songs are! We haven't heard anything new from the singer-songwriter since 2009's Far, but by all appearances we're set to find ourselves listening to a new album. "All The Rowboats" is the first single to be released off What...
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