Dylan Heneck
Sep 12, 2017
Marvelous track for a Tuesday. In fact, this is an everyday of the week kind of classic. It reminds me specifically of chunky socks that rest exactly midway between the knee and ankle.
Well, I guess it's that time of the year again where I turn one ...
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May 25, 2016
Titeknots is at it again, coloring the world in eternal sunsets. If you're looking for an epic way to wake up a slumbering heart, "Sign Your Name" is it.
Released on Press Something Play Something, "Sign Your Name" begs one to take a risk, sign your...
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Jan 30, 2016
Proving that simple is best, Friend Within give us "Get Dumb" that will drop via Defected Records in March.
It's not that being simple requires no talent, on the contrary, simple is artful -- and "Get Dumb" has a one-track mind to make you happy wit...
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Apr 13, 2015
Gosh. Where has my head been today? Certainly not here, in this mood — floating, dipping, and diving with "You Give Me Butterflies." If only I had heard this hours earlier, I may not have spent the greater half of the night writing melancholy songs o...
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Dylan Heneck
Feb 5, 2015
This just made me stupidly happy. I'm extra enthusiastic about it because it's nowhere near Christmas time. Not taking yourself too seriously normally leads to my favorite tracks, and this one is no exception. It's a joyous house track without any de...
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