In the summer of 2005, after a series of deaths in the family, Michael Deni left his hometown in New Jersey for San Francisco. He spent the next several months with his guitar and more on →
Morgan Hume
Nov 20, 2020
I'm just a big Geographer fan, what else can I say? I just love their light sound that always makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud or in a movie montage.
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Mia Gralla
Nov 18, 2015
Geographer’s single “Need” off their latest LP Ghost Modern brings everything we love about the band into fruition: the gorgeous harmonies, the ethereal instrumentals, and the emotional lyrics.
In many of the songs on Ghost Modern, Geographer have s...
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Jennifer Kahn
Aug 20, 2010
Geographer first caught my attention with the bright synths and lush, floating vocals in the single "Kites" off their EP Animal Shapes. About 45 seconds in, the song bursts into a flurry of electronic layers with cello woven into the mix as well. It...
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