David Peter Simon
Jan 29, 2013
This is a nuts little track. And I mean nuts. Beeps, bops, claps -- it's all over the place. Fitting that it's called "MEGALOMANIA," the disorder characterized by delusional fantasies of power. The track indeed sounds like an extreme form of paranoia...
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Elizabeth Walker
Jan 23, 2013
I just fell onto this track by NYC's LION BABE, and I am in serious musical love. Comprised of Jillian Hervey and Lucas Goodman, "Treat Me Like Fire" is the first single from this obviously talented duo. And their name is cool, no?With a voice akin t...
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Dec 10, 2012
Nothing is known about the person behind nknwn. There exists a SoundCloud page with 00-19 (and counting) tracks, all free for download, and all edits of great R&B tracks.His/her/it's newest drop, originally entitled 019, is an edit of Mario's "Le...
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Anu Rana
Nov 22, 2012
"Where Beasts Die," from Bruno Miguel and Melissa Veras of Papercutz, is folklore passed down through a mellow acoustic melody and angelic vocals, surely influenced by Miguel's native Portugal.In Brooklyn-producer Sweater Beats' reincarnation, the vo...
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