Since 2007 Dario Rojo Guerra has explored a blend of soulful melody and off-the-grid beats, as Flako. Originally driven by a love of instrumental hip hop, his early MPC sketches more on →
sweeney kovar
Mar 7, 2015
Though he's been known to engage in music with triple digit BPMs, the latest leak from fLako's upcoming Nature Boy album is a slower burn.
"Twelve O'Clock Shadow" sounds less like a song and more like the score for a black and white noir film. Stri...
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David Peter Simon
Aug 29, 2012
A tad glitchy, sometimes a bit on the slow jam side, fLako and Dirg Gerner produce some amazing beats that soak up the soul.A collaborative project featuring Olmino, i.e. Olmo Cassibba, a London-based musician specializing in flute, alto-sax and Indi...
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