Jason Grishkoff
Oct 14, 2014
I must apologize to Dan Mangan, but my review of "Vessel" is going to be overshadowed by something that has very little to do with the actual track.
Specifically, trying to figure out who the hell this sounds like. You see, when I first hit play I *...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 25, 2012
Pretty much every review of Cuckoo Chaos' "Super Skeleton" is making light of the fact that they describe their music as "a nice, firm ass in the palm of your hands." So there you have it -- clearly not much more going on here.Okay, okay. Who are the...
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Jessica Deeken
Jan 28, 2011
When the Pixies toured through Seattle a few years ago, it was astounding how many of their fans had grown up and had little rock and roll miniatures. The evidence was running around in black-clad, angst-loving circles late into the night. Not so fo...
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