Mikky George
Mar 19, 2024
Deathsport offers a compelling anthem for our anxieties with "WORRYMIND," a track that compels our feet to move."WORRYMIND" is the soundtrack for those moments when all we crave is escape from problems, feelings, s...
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Jami Selikow
Mar 24, 2023
You're selfish but I'm more selfish.The writer Shantideva said that "beings long to free themselves from misery, but misery itself they follow and pursue. They long for joy, but in their ignorance, destroy it as th...
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Jami Selikow
Jul 13, 2022
Deathpsort seems to create songs that speak to me. I'm often the one at the table who believes that life is suffering, while everyone discusses their hopes and dreams. "Commuting" is a somber comment on our shared ...
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Jami Selikow
Nov 10, 2021
What struck me most about Deathsport's "I HATE PEOPLE" was the utter honesty of it. I love it — so raw and vulnerable. Beyond that, so very human. We've all had a taste of these states of minds, states of minds whe...
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