Hugh McClure
Aug 26, 2011
When I first decided to dedicate myself to a life of music consumption, Valar was a band that I knew I should investigate, but I never got around to it. Then, I did! And I'm sure glad about it.Valar is the brainchild of Sydney conspirators James Blac...
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Hugh McClure
Aug 18, 2011
Expectations are difficult things. Boy and Bear's lauded and awarded EP With Emperor Antarctica was my first ever review on Indie Shuffle. Needless to say, I love the Sydney five-piece. When news hit that they were working on their first full-length ...
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Hugh McClure
Aug 9, 2011
It's amazing how the smallest tweaks in a song can produce something entirely different. Dam-Funk's remix of "Summertime Clothes" is nothing drastic- the song structure stays nearly the same and he only replaces maybe three of the song's existing la...
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 21, 2011
German indie-dance duo Digitalism are well known for their electronic indie dance music. Many would compare them to Daft Punk, though obviously with a song like this new single "2 Hearts," it's apparent that they're capable of taking things in a diff...
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Hugh McClure
Nov 15, 2010
Boy and Bear is a band going places, and going to those places quickly. From their inception in 2009 (they were originally four separate bands), the five Sydney-based collaborators have gone from strength to strength and were recently nominated for t...
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