Dylan Heneck
Mar 18, 2020
Discouraged from gathering publicly, Susan had half-jokingly suggested a Skype dinner date. When everyone's plate was finally dished up, and modem connections double checked, she and her guests began their meal. Th...
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Dylan Heneck
Mar 10, 2020
In light of Disclosure's "Tondo," and the fact that the original to that remake was also a feature on the compilation that contained Slim Young's "Otan Hunu," it's important that we stay ahead of the curve by catch...
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Dylan Heneck
Jul 17, 2019
I must be in a dancey mood. First, I posted that Moon Boots track about BDSM, and now, a more IDM take on house from Lisbon born DJ Danifox. BDSM? IDM? DJ?! It's hard keeping up with acronyms in the modern age.Luckily for the uninformed there's Urban...
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Dylan Heneck
Dec 12, 2016
As we wind down this torrid year it's refreshing to still be receiving such enjoyable music. Considering that celebrities can become president so easily nowadays I think it worthwhile compiling a list of musicians I think might work well as president...
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Nov 18, 2015
You really can't beat a good Afro-edit. Keeping all the soul and dusty charm of the original, whilst making a few delicate changes to make it playable on the dancefloor is no easy feat.
Estonian producer Ajukaja has certainly found the formula, with...
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