Aaron Blum
May 5, 2014
Thief is a Sydney-based musician who has been fine tuning his skills since winning the Triple J Unearthed Top Song Competition in 2008, most recently making waves with his track "Broken Boy" from his debut EP, Closer.
Now, Thi...
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Tobias Handke
Jun 19, 2013
Ever since Take Care dropped in 2011, I've had an unhealthy obsession with Drake. Haters gonna hate, but the boy known to his mum as Audrey Drake Graham is a superstar in every sense of the word. While anticipation builds for third album, Nothing Was...
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Anu Rana
Jun 5, 2013
I was about to call it a bad music day when "Told You So" by Akua (ah-koo-ah) fortunately crossed my path and reminded me that it can never be a bad day for music.Off-kilter bells intro on this track, like a mad woman seductively sounding an alarm. T...
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Tobias Handke
Jun 22, 2013
My boy Drake has made me very happy today, dropping four new tracks to celebrate the launch of his new website OVOSOUND. Along with the new tracks, the website reveals the release date of his forthcoming album Nothing Was The Same, September 17. Mark...
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