Okay. The thing is, I freaking lovelovelove Nicolas Jaar. Everything about him oozes spectacular coolness... he's like this Chilean/New Yorker hybrid, his musical aesthetic is steamy in every aspect, and good god did he make the most excellent
XLR8R podcast earlier this year or what?
A few weeks ago, I heard this remix/edit/version of Sneaky Sound System's "Big" and was absolutely smitten. The only problem: mp3 availability. Lucky for us, this grievous issue was solved by the folks at
Modular People: for a limited time, you can like their page on Facebook and get a free download! Did Christmas come early?! Yep, I think so.
The original "Big" -- clearly not referring the Tom Hanks classic -- is a typical Friday night dance track, perfectly happy and balanced throughout. Nicloas Jaar has taken this already righteous track and turned it inside out, until the only recognizable parts are are four little revolving words, "always by your side." Flat notes circle around a slightly reverbed, echoing drum bass line while the looping words jump perfectly choppy atop the spookified melody. Jaar's ghostly interpretation coming out right before Halloween could not have been an accident. Methinks the marketing team has been busy over at Modular People.
To hear the original track and more remixes head
right here and be further stupefied by Jaar's excellently twisted remixing/refixing talents.