What a fitting combination: Sigur Rós and Amtrac -- two different music worlds but a sentiment, an aim, that's one in the same -- epic sonic journeys that instill a sense of hope, magic, and love; music that constantly probes the mystery of the unknown, the excitement of uncertainty and exploration; music that pulses and moves one's heart to stay open to something more.
Amtrac's remix of "Heysátan" pushes the senses beyond the bend, just a little farther; places where you never thought you'd go, ways you never thought you'd take, only to find love you never thought possible.
This track is the perfect vibe for my feelings today as I spent it pondering the complexity of personal strength, the power of another's love (or lack of it), and generally, how to remain a functional human when you're feeling like The Last Unicorn. I concluded that love is unity within you. Maintain that and partnerships can come and go without consequence. Be the love you want to invite in your life. The rest will fall in to place, naturally.