Picture this: there's a mansion on the hills of Llandudno, a unique seaside village that's secluded enough to feel peace but close enough to the shops to keep that steady stream of snacks flowing. Now imagine, that by some stroke of luck, you get the opportunity to stay there every other month. This is my reality at present, made even better with Sidechick's "Heat" playing through the patio speakers as friends chat between the four bottles of flowing wine.
It's beautiful to think that music — created within distinct pockets of space and energy, be it alone late at night or fresh with friends in the morning — once released into the hands of the world, unfolds and resonates in an array of settings, much like the scenario aforementioned. In so doing, the artist becomes a cause and condition through which hordes of humans experience life. This holds true for Nick Walker, an artist of many talents—producer, DJ, and creative polymath—known by the moniker Sidechick.