Dylan Heneck
Sep 12, 2017
Marvelous track for a Tuesday. In fact, this is an everyday of the week kind of classic. It reminds me specifically of chunky socks that rest exactly midway between the knee and ankle.
Well, I guess it's that time of the year again where I turn one ...
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Nov 24, 2010
Bag Raiders is Chris Stracey and Jack Glass. The self-proclaimed concrete-slash-jam-band Aussies use piano, some electric guitar, synthesizers, drum machines and some dreamy vocals to create their own unique sound. The guys have had a few EPs drop si...
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Devin Duckworth
Feb 24, 2012
This month, Spanish dance producer John Talabot released his first full-length album Æ’IN (via Permanent Vacation), and so far I'm impressed. Talabot's take on deep house music embodies a familiar sound with an effervescent aptitude of originality an...
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Oct 16, 2011
This will be the most chilled song you'll hear all week. Scratch that, maybe all year. Maybe even more. When listening to Shlohmo, it's pretty much impossible not to relax, as the notes roll off each other like syrup, and a ever-so-slightly melanchol...
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