Joshua Mellin
Mar 15, 2012
Sharon Van Etten's Tramp is an emotionally haunting journey packed with deeply resonate lyrics that cast a beautifully painted landscape, best reflected upon alone.The first track "Warsaw" is a quick acclimation to the tone of the album with flowing ...
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Bri Guy
Feb 2, 2014
Give a warm welcome to Sharon Nutzati, a 20-year-old singer/songwriter from Toronto, Canada. She reminds me of Sharon Van Etten, sharing a similar vocal sound. Her 2013 was awesome, which included a tour in Ontario and the release of EP Stuck In Your...
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Tom Hay
Apr 30, 2014
Sharon Van Etten has one of those weary voices that infects each of her songs with an irresistible pain, but it's a pain rarely worn on her sleeve.Her latest song really plays to this skill. The median tone of "Every Time The Sun Comes Up" could be d...
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Joshua Mellin
Dec 1, 2014
Folk songstress Angel Olsen’s Burn Your Fire For No Witness, released all the way back in February 2014 via Jagjaguwar, has found itself a consensus pick as one of the best albums of the year.
Returning to her former home, Olsen played a packed hous...
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