Jason Grishkoff
Sep 9, 2012
One of the best feelings ever is hitting play on a song that instantly makes you go "HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING." This cover easily accomplishes said feeling.Oakland-based band Trails and Ways have done an awesome job with three covers released a coup...
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Jason Grishkoff
Aug 6, 2012
You could argue that we're late to the game, as Trails and Ways' "Nunca" has already been dominating the blogosphere for a few months now. But, I'd counter by pointing out that about a week ago, we premiered another one of their singles "Mtn Tune."De...
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Ron Swanson
Jul 30, 2012
California natives Trails and Ways are what some would label summer pop, or indie synth. My take? Something along the lines of pure bliss.Not long ago, they hit the blogosphere with a bang via their single "Nunca." Today, they are following that succ...
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