The multi-faceted singer/rapper/songwriter, Tink grew up in Calumet City a south suburb outside of Chicago, Illinois. Starting her musical attributes at the age of seven, the more on →
Dylan Heneck
Dec 20, 2019
Frits Wentink could get me to fall in love an angry bear, even if it were mauling me. Just add a couple of hi-hats and some wave LFO's and I'm enamored. His style is outrageously cool, and every song he puts out is...
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Dylan Heneck
Aug 8, 2017
There is more music in this world than I have words for. I have more love for Frits Wentink than any other house producer in the whole globe. Yep, that's right. You heard it. The whole globe.
My fine people of this planet, thank you for taking the t...
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Dylan Heneck
Nov 25, 2016
This is some good content. As a close friend of mine once put it, "It's all about that good content." Is it though? What about that bad stuff. How about sifting through bad stuff?
As a blogger of the music variety there is so much sifting that I've,...
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